Events - Sir John Savile's Household

Sir John Savile's Household
15th Century Living History & Re-enactment Society
Members of the War of the Roses Federation
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Live Events/displays

The group comes with a fully equipped Living History camp complete with medieval tents and a camp kitchen. In this setting the group carries out the everyday tasks of medieval life such as chopping wood, fetching water, food preparation and often cooking meals on open fires to feed the camp.

The household can also demonstrate medieval warfare during The Wars of the Roses period, with a contingent of archers demonstrating the use of the feared English longbow and a small company of foot soldiers which include bill men, men-at-arms, crossbowmen and gunners.

We can offer displays of arms and tactics of the day, or can stage a siege or battle scenario. All our displays can be tailored to the client’s wishes with allowances for site layout and available space.

Visitors can join in with the Bill Drill, try on armour of the period, and should they be feeling merry they may join in with the household dancing.

Our society has the utmost respect for historic properties, and we will always leave a location in the manner in which it was found.
Sewerby Hall
4th 5th May 2024
Chester Castle
Chester Castle
11th 12th May 2024
Hoghton Tower
25th 26th May 2024
Sherwood Forest
8th 9th June 2024
Bolton Castle
15th 16th June 2024
13th 14th July 2024
Samlesbury Hall
28th 29th July
17th 18th August 2024
24th 25th 26th August 2024
21st 22nd September 2024
Leicester Guild Hall
5th October 2024
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